Discover the Difference Nature Makes
The oils work to bring the scalp into optimal health for hair growth protection, for some people that takes a short period for others a longer one everyone is different, using three times a week and using the yellow bottle when you wash and the white when the hair is about to be brushed or styled will bring about the best results.
First Month Use Instructions: The formula is concentrated so start slow and closely observe results. Week 1: Shake well. Gently apply only once sparingly on entire hair and scalp. Week 2: Apply twice. Week 3: Apply three times. For Week 4 and beyond, adjust quantity and frequency to keep a continuous light coating of moisture.
In formulating Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer®, Wild Growth Company utilizes processing methods to quantitatively and qualitatively enhance and moderate ingredients utilizing a guarded 12 step nutrient extraction method yielding a proprietary Wild Growth® oil nutrient complex in accordance with our vow. The raw ingredients used are :
Oils of Coconut, Olive, Castor (USP), Jojoba, Safflower, Rice Bran, Flax seed, Roman Chamomile , Evening
Primrose, Carrot, Pumpkin, Black Cumin seed, Grape seed, and Noni. Essential oils of Clary Sage, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender and Peppermint.
History of Ingredients Listing Changes
Some people have suspected the existence of fakes or believed that the formula has changed primarily because of variations in the ingredients listing in 2017. Yet to this day, no fakes, confirmed by Wild Growth Co., actually exist. Below is a full history:
Wild Growth Co. manufacturer's official notice: Correct Ingredients listing and why there have been variations of Ingredients listed (please visit www.wildgrowth.com for more information):
Our formula has not changed since product introduction in 1985. The current accurate listing of ingredients lists the actual sources (not listed before) of our extracts which we had named as ingredients in past listings:
In formulating Wild Growth Hair Oil®, Wild Growth Company utilizes processing methods to quantitatively and qualitatively enhance and moderate ingredients utilizing a guarded 12 step nutrient extraction method yielding a proprietary Wild Growth® oil nutrient complex in accordance with our vow of quality, effectiveness and safety . The raw ingredients used are :
Oils of Coconut, Olive Oil, Jojoba, Rice Bran, Cocoa (Butter), Acerola , Pomegranate , Rosehip , and Pumpkin Seed.
Extracts of Mushroom, Chick Pea, Lentil, Cocoa Mass, and Sesame seed. Essential oils Of Clary Sage, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, and Lavender.
In formulating Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer®, Wild Growth Company utilizes processing methods to quantitatively and qualitatively enhance and moderate ingredients utilizing a guarded 12 step nutrient extraction method yielding a proprietary Wild Growth® oil nutrient complex in accordance with our vow of quality, effectiveness and safety. The raw ingredients used are :
Oils of Coconut, Olive, Castor (USP), Jojoba, Safflower, Rice Bran, Flax seed, Roman Chamomile , Evening
Primrose, Carrot, Pumpkin, Black Cumin seed, Grape seed, and Noni. Essential oils of Clary Sage, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, and Lavender.
History of Ingredients Listing Changes
Below is a full history:
Over the years and till recently. Wild Growth Co. had changed the listing of the ingredients to be progressively more accurate by stating the actual raw ingredients that have been there all along.
Through a multi-step extraction and purification process ( Wild Growth® oil nutrient complex - a method exclusively developed and protected by Wild Growth Co. since 1985 which is even more important than the ingredients themselves--for more info, follow this link: http://www.wildgrowth.com/Wild%20Growth%C2%AE%20oil%20nutrient%20complex.htm ),
Formerly listed, 'Oleic acids, triolein, arachidic esters, flavonoids, monolaurin, capric acid, monocparin, long chained monohydroxyl groups, pro vitamin A, pro vitamin E, natural vitamin D, squalene, terpenoids, hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, the aglycone of ligstrosides, (=)-1-acetoxypinoresinol, pinoresinol, chloropyll, carotinoids' and others that were never listed for lack of space on the bottle are sourced from all the oils that are currently listed.
Formely listed ergocalciferol (vitamin D) is sourced from newly listed select mushrooms.
Formely listed choline is sourced from newly listed chick pea, lentil, and sesame seed.
Formely listed inositol is sourced from newly listed chick pea, lentil, and sesame seed.
Formely listed iron is sourced from newly listed chick pea, cocoa mass, lentil, and sesame seed.
Formely listed magnesium is sourced from newly listed cocoa mass and sesame seed.
Formely listed phosphorous is sourced from chick pea, lentil, and sesame seed.
Formely listed calcium is sourced from cocoa mass and sesame seed.
Also, the newly listed essential oils which could not fit on the bottle till now, were always used though not listed in the past. Historically, users have reported noting the presence of essential oils, despite the bottle not listing them.
For More information regarding any confusion regarding the existence of fake or changed Wild Growth products, visit:
Since 1985 our oils have generated hundreds of thousands of testmonials from users with varieties of scalp and hair issues. For our testimonial categories visit testimonials
For weekly testimonials and to share testimonials visit our facebook page.
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